
When you don’t get the family of your dreams…

Many, MANY people don’t get the family they would’ve liked to have had.

Some of the stories [of highly successful people] simply tell of being essentially ignored — but others tell of horrific abuse they barely survived. 

It’s true that the world in which we live is a lot less than ideal. Interestingly, though, those people who have suffered immeasurably are the quickest to develop what the rest of us call ‘street sense’ — that rare but necessary means of handling virtually anything and managing to come out on top most, if not all, of the time.

It’s also this group that recognizes a threat before others might see it, giving them the opportunity to flee before greater damage can occur. They’re the ones that seem to have a ‘sixth sense’ about what’s happening around them. They can be far more savvy [more willing, perhaps?] to do what they have to do to survive than their ‘easy does it’ counterparts, and their battle scars seem to have prepared them for almost anything the world could throw at them.

From a Christian perspective — and doesn’t everything come down to that in the end? — they’re quicker to have compassion on the others around them, and they are far more willing to pick up and carry the weaker among us.

This, reportedly, has been reiterated by people who have had near death experiences [NDEs] that afforded them the opportunity to speak directly with Jesus, asking Him the reason they’ve had to ‘suffer so much’ in this realm. To a lot of us, that’s a pretty fantastic trade-off!

If you haven’t considered the ‘benefits’ of having grown up in less-than-ideal families, we encourage you to consider the gifts you may possess but, as yet, haven’t realized. Are you an empath? Able to survive against all odds? A risk taker? An adrenalin junky? Fearless? 

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